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By: Dr (Hakeem) Aslam Javed

India is becoming the diabetes capital of the world. Due to sedentary lifestyle, junk and oily food and lack of exercise, even the youth are becoming diabetic. There is no permanent cure of diabetes. Its symptoms and impact can only be controlled, and hence it is prudent to prevent it in the first place with the help of right diet and physical activity from an early age. If you are a diabetic and check your blood sugar level often, it becomes necessary for you to know the most common causes which increase the blood sugar level.

Skipping breakfast:

The insulin and blood sugar level spike up in the obese and over-weight people who do not take their breakfast. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the chances of geting diabetes are 21 per cent higher in those who skip their breakfast. The research confirms that the beneficial protein and good fats in the breakfast keep the sugar level normal during daytime.

Artificial sweeteners:

An Israeli research has revealed that the diabetes patients who prefer artificial sweeteners are at risk of several harmful effects. According to this research, artificial sweeteners can spike up blood sugar level abnormally. In fact, such sweeteners confuse the gut bacteria, and hence they do not help the body to absorb glucose. The researchers further said that those who prefer diet coke instead of normal cold drinks should avoid doing so.Instead, they should quit all types of cold drink.

High fat diet:

Diabetes patients should avoid high fat diet. In the 2011 edition of the Journal of Nutrition, a research claims that high fat diet can increase the blood sugar level by 32 per cent. According to this research, high fat diet also affects the blood flow and its sugar filtering ability.

Overuse of coffee:

The latest researches claim that though coffee helps to cut the chances of geting type 2 diabetes, it can worsen the condition of a person who is already suffering from diabetes. According to the American Institute of Diabetes, it is not necessary to completely stop coffee, but its use should be rationed as even black coffee can spike up blood sugar level.


In case of infections, whether it is flu or something else, our body's defense system releases a particular chemical which also disturbs blood sugar level, leting it go abnormal. In fact, an infection keeps the immune system very alert and this also increases blood sugar level, which in turn, disturbs insulin production and flow. An infection can bring a dramatic increase in blood sugar level, hence diabetes patients should take extra precautions in case of an infection.


A good sleep recharges our body and mind and it helps a diabetic in many ways. The insulin flow comes down by 20 per cent in Type 1 patients who only sleep for just 4 hours. Lack of sleep spikes up stress level which causes blood sugar level to go high. Although smoking is harmful for everyone, it is particularly more dangerous for diabetes patients. according to the California State University, blood sugar level increases abnormally due to the presence of nicotine in the blood, and its heavy presence can create complexities in diabetes patients leading to dangerous conditions like heart attack, paralysis and kidney failure.

6 ways to keep blood sugar level normal:

Diabetes is a disease which is spreading like the fire of jungle due to our modern sedentary lifestyle. If we call it a 'silent killer' it would not be wrong as it causes several other health complications. The surprising fact is that nearly 25 per cent diabetes type 2 patients do not even realise that they are diabetic.if you frequently get your blood sugar level checked and notice an increase in its level, you are at higher risk of geting diabetes.

There are some diets and exercises that help to keep the blood sugar level at healthy level. Fruit and vegetables and fish are very effective in controlling blood sugar level. According to various Tibbi researches, food that can minimise the risk of diabetes by 21 per cent include fish, nuts, fruit ad vegetables and jau (barley)and bajra (pearl millet) and olive oil. Consumption of chicken and fish is highly recommended whilst red meat, butter and sweets should be taken occasionally and in moderation. These food keep the blood sugar level healthy whilst olive oil minimises the risk of swollenness.

Use grapes and berries:

The fiber, present in grapes and berries, is very beneficial in controlling blood sugar level. According to a British research, pulished in Nature medical journal, berries and grapes have an impact on blood sugar level similar to what weight loss has. Do not skip breakfast:

If you tend to skip your breakfast, you are more likely to get diabetes type 2. Breakfast keeps the blood sugar level normal for the rest of the day. According to a research by the Minnesota University of the US, dalia or such other food is better for breakfast. A breakfast laden with fats is as bad as no breakfast at all. It can disturb the blood sugar level and so should be avoided.


By remaining physically active and fit, you can minimise the risk of diabetes by one third compared to those who do not exercise and live a sedentary life. During exercise or physical exertion, your body consumes more glucose instead of blood, and hence it keeps insulin at healthy level.

Avoid prolonged sitings:

Taking a frequent break from work is recommended. After every 20 minutes of siting, take a 2-minute break and walk a bit to boost your blood flow. It helps to cut diabetes risk. According to a latest British Tibbi research, taking a frequent break after siting for 20 minutes helps to stop blood sugar level from crossing the high mark after a meal.

Check your medicines:

Medications used to control asthma, high blood pressure and cholesterol can spike up the blood sugar level. In such cases, consult your doctor so that he can prescribe you medicines which do not disturb your blood sugar level.

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